Application of quality management systems for ex product manufacture. Iec system for certification to standards relating to equipment for. Can we spread our internal audit schedule over three years and not do it in one year. During the audit the auditor have to perform his assessment by using the following tools. Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture.
Such audit will cover the relevant requirements in nek iso iec 8007934. Od 0051, which define the requirement for iecex equipment manufacture which will be replaced by iso iec 8007934 standard. Iso iec 8007934 is a managment system which builds a strong foundation for organizations that manufacture atex,iex certified products or products meant for explosive iso iec 8007934. Iec 60079 and iso iec 80079 series standards on flammable gases. International electrotechnical commission iec certification scheme for explosive atmospheres for rules and details of the iecex scheme visit. Quality systems requirements for ex product manufacture exveritas. Covid 19 ics codes astm standards annual book of astm. Iecex quality assessment report qar free reference no. The initial assessment has been carried out on the basis of standard iso iec 8007934, in current version.
We develop the entire system and get you ready for the qanqar certification audit in half the time it would normally take a company. List of international organization for standardization standards. Extag training workshop application iso iec 8007934. Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture from. Iec tc31 scope to prepare and maintain international standards relating to equipment for use where there is a hazard due to the. New quality systems requirements for ex product manufacture covering atex qan and iecex qar. Iecex quality assessment report qar free reference no 4786828602 certification body.
Extag training workshop cannes temperaturehumidity chambers iecee cb status of verification of temperaturehumidity chambers within iecee cb scheme ms katy. August 2020 surveillance audit to be done not later than 20200815 18 months after reissuance of product quality assurance notification pqan for atex and quality assessment report qar for iecex. Assessment and auditing under the iecex 02 certified. Od 0052, which give to the auditors some assistance in order to not forget something these documents are available on. This standard is based on iso 9001 2008 edition and includes some specific requirements related to atex and ex products. We at qvc have developed a comprehensive training programs based on needs, demands of regulation and industries. Application of quality systems for ex product manufacture bs en iec 6007919. The international electrotechnical commission iec is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees iec national committees. A first audit was performed on 2014041415, according to plan previously sent to manufacturer. Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture en isocei 80079 34. This will identify any holes there may be in the system and prepare for the formal qanqar audit and provide the evidence of you have performed the internal audit against 8007934.
Extag training workshop application isoiec 8007934. Nemko did an onsite audit at fredrik svensson as, 20180502 ref. Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture 9789267107219. The significant changes with respec t to the previous edition should be considered as minor technical revisions. Isoiec 17021 all parts, conformity assessment requirements for bodies providing audit. Iso iec 80079iso iec 8007934 this has to be clearly written in the report34, this has to be clearly written in the report. Each element reflects our organizations vision of quality as seen through the requirements of the standard, the needs of our customers, and our internally defined quality goals and objectives. Application of quality systems for ex product manufacture. Iec tc31, iec sc31j, iso iec sc31m neil dennis chair iec sc31j 20170710 unep bangkok. Iso iec 8007934testsafe epf082 trade agent adrian rietdijk testsafe australia 03 september 20 204224 testsafe qar reference no iecex qar reference no manufacturer include address with post code production site audited include address with post code product range insert generic product description number of employees scope of audit.
International standard isoiec 8007934 has been prepared by. Our training programs are more concise and practically oriented towards challenges faced by industry. Din en isoiec 8007934 explosive atmospheres part 34. Quality management principles described in the iso9000 standard are applied. Eurotech offers gap audits and certification for isoiec 8007934.
In annex d there is a correlation matrix regarding iso iec 8007934. The object of iec is to promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic. Application of quality management systems for ex product manufacture view abstract. However, after that audit all following surveillance audits shall be conducted using. Both audits can be combined in one single combiaudit, with ongoing surveillance audits of your facilities. Quality systems requirements for ex product manufacture.
C2cex provides consulting, auditing and project management to support the quality, health, safety, environment, product certification scotland and worldwide. These types of ignition protection can be used on their own or in combination to meet the requirements for equipment of group i, group ii, and group iii depending on the ignition hazard assessment set out in bs en iso 8007936. Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor. Iec 60079 and isoiec 80079 series standards on flammable.
Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Extag training workshop cannes secretariatupdate2018compatibilitymode iecex system update mark amos iecex secretariat. It cancels and replaces the previous 2011 edition with a full technical revision. The quality management system of alspi meets the requirements of the iso 9001. Planning audit conduct reporting surveillance accordinggq to iecex requirements 3. While it does not preclude the use of other quality management systems that are compatible with the objectives of iso 9001. All qars quality assessment reports and qans quality assurance notifications for iecex and atex approvals new and renewal assessments. Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture, specifies requirements for a quality system that can be used by an organization for the production of equipment and protective systems for explosive atmosphere. However, about 300 of the standards produced by iso and iecs joint. This is a list of published international organization for standardization iso standards and. We can provide a fast pace approach in setting up the requirements to obtain a qanqar under the international standard bs en iso iec 8007934. Compliance to iso 9001 has been taken into account to fulfil requirements of iso iec 8007934. Explosion protection iecex international certification scheme.
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